Our Bristol dentist discusses why children’s oral health is so important.
Some recent newspaper reports have indicated that tooth decay is on the rise in the UK (1).
In some ways, this comes as a surprise given the raised awareness of a number of health issues over the years, plus the fact that sugar is now coming in for increased criticism from all sections of the health sector.
Having said that, as parents, we know that children are not aware of these factors, and, even if they were, would probably ignore it in favour of that sweet taste.
Bearing that in mind, we can see the importance of the adult taking responsibility for their child’s teeth.
Without a doubt, taking action to prevent tooth decay in children is key to good oral health.
Our dentists at Beau Monde Dental Care take no pleasure from seeing a distressed child with toothache and we are sure that neither do their parents.
The fact is that ensuring your child’s oral health is in good condition is really not that hard and just requires a few simple steps.