Whiter Teeth For The New Year

Tooth Whitening Procedures Available At Our Bristol Dental Practice

It is hard to miss the fact that Christmas is just around the corner and many of us will take this opportunity to take a break from our daily working lives and relax; possibly overindulging just a little too. This time spent with the family, enjoyable though it is, is over all too soon and is then followed by a short period before the New Year festivities begin.

New Year, New You

With the New Year often comes a determination to make some changes in our lives. Sometimes this stems from the guilt of overindulging at Christmas and results in a flood of gym memberships, often unused after a few months, or even weeks.

Other resolutions though can be made and action taken quickly, whilst the motivation is still there, which will give positive results for many months to come.

Many dental practices find that early in the New Year, they have an increase in patients wishing to have whiter teeth. This is sometimes part of an overall plan to improve their appearance but, for some, it is simply a matter of having had enough of their yellowing or stained teeth.

At Beau Monde Dental Care in Bristol, we offer two types of tooth whitening procedures, both of which are very effective; Wy10 and Enlighten.


Some patients are puzzled why their teeth have become discoloured, especially as they have taken great care to clean them well all of their lives. The fact is that, whilst certain substances such as tobacco and red wine will stain teeth anyway, even without these, teeth do gradually become discoloured as we get older. Cleaning the teeth makes little difference in most cases as it is the molecules inside the teeth which have darkened, giving the discoloured appearance.

Even tooth whitening toothpastes will only make a very minimal difference as, due to safety regulations, only a small amount of the whitening ingredient is allowed.


The Wy10 procedure is one of the most popular at our Bristol dental practice. It is a highly effective procedure, yet one that is simple and fast and in the space of around an hour, you will be able to leave our practice with significantly whiter teeth than before.

The procedure itself involves the placing of a whitening gel on the teeth (after the gums and lips have been protected). This is then activated with a special dental light which works to lighten the colour of the molecules in the teeth.


The Enlighten method is more time consuming and involves the placing of trays on the teeth containing the whitening ingredient. This has to be worn at night for approximately two weeks. Although it is much slower that the Wy10 procedure, it does guarantee to achieve the whitest teeth possible; although this will vary from patient to patient.

So, if you are making a New Year’s resolution list and wish to add ‘tooth whitening’ to it, why not call us on 0117 330 3495 to discuss the options with our dental team.